4:40 PM ET, February 14, 2025

Ballbug Leaderboard

RankSource PresenceURL
1New York TimesRSS23.49%nytimes.com
2ESPN 16.28%espn.com
3Associated Press 7.81%apnews.com
4New York PostRSS5.49%nypost.com
5Sports Illustrated 4.35%si.com
6Detroit Free Press 4.14%freep.com
7Baseball AmericaRSS3.84%baseballamerica.com
8USA Today 2.98%usatoday.com
9Dallas Morning News 2.77%dallasnews.com
12The Boston Globe 1.54%bostonglobe.com
13Chicago Sun TimesRSS1.34%suntimes.com
14audacy.com 1.30%audacy.com
15MLB Trade RumorsRSS1.25%mlbtraderumors.com
16NBCSports.com 1.09%nbcsports.com
17Arizona Republic 1.06%azcentral.com
19Click2Houston.com 0.77%click2houston.com
20Hoops RumorsRSS0.75%hoopsrumors.com
21Lone Star BallRSS0.74%lonestarball.com
23True Blue LARSS0.74%truebluela.com
24Bleacher ReportRSS0.74%bleacherreport.com
25Yahoo SportsRSS0.74%sports.yahoo.com
26NCAA.org 0.73%ncaa.org
27Tampa Bay Times 0.73%tampabay.com
28Battery PowerRSS0.73%batterypower.com
29Omny StudioRSS0.72%omny.fm
31Temple Now 0.68%news.temple.edu
34Montreal Hockey NowRSS0.60%montrealhockeynow.com
35SNY 0.59%sny.tv
36San Diego Union-TribuneRSS0.58%sandiegouniontribune.com
38Colorado Hockey NowRSS0.55%coloradohockeynow.com
39Baseball ProspectusRSS0.53%baseballprospectus.com
40Chicago Hockey NowRSS0.52%chicagohockeynow.com
41FanGraphs BaseballRSS0.52%blogs.fangraphs.com
42JSOnline 0.45%jsonline.com
43Orange County RegisterRSS0.42%ocregister.com
44Sports Business Journal 0.02%sportsbusinessjournal.com
 About this list: 

The Ballbug Leaderboard lists the sources most frequently posted to Ballbug.

This particular version corresponds to the 30-day period ending February 14, 2025.

Sources are ranked by Presence, the percentage of headline space a source occupies over the 30-day period. "Discussion" links are not taken in to consideration here — only full headlines are counted.

An OPML file containing this list can be found here.

For more information, see this announcement

 See Also: 
Ballbug: site main
Ballbug River: reverse chronological Ballbug
Mini-Ballbug: Ballbug for mobiles